
Our acupuncture treatments focus on the health of the whole person. Using small, sterile, single use needles, we stimulate points on the body that potentiate the body's natural healing process. Our experienced practitioners make sure your acupuncture experience is safe, comfortable, and effective.

Ananda Emily Reese practices Integrative Functional and Chinese Medicine. She has a Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist. She has also completed her credentials in Functional Medicine and is a graduate of the Kresser Institute program. Her 15 years of studying the Indian, Chinese and Western modalities of medicine bring to her practice a unique understanding of the channel physiology of the body, and its relationship to movement, wellness, and healing. She has advanced training in the Dr. Tan Balance Method and The Master Tung Method, as well as the traditional approaches of Chinese Medicine. She focuses on hormone balancing, the brain-gut connection, and auto-immune disorders. She lives in North Oakland with her 2 sons and loving husband.

Ananda Emily Reese practices Integrative Functional and Chinese Medicine. She has a Masters of Sc... Read More

Dr. Joe Davis is a California State Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) and Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM), herbalist. He has served on the didactic and clinical faculty of several prominent local acupuncture colleges, most recently filling the role of Clinical Director and Vice President of Education at AIMC. He came to Chinese medicine via his study of the martial arts of Tai Chi Quan and Ba Gua Zhang. These subtle practices rely on the cultivation of relaxation and sensitivity to generate health and skill. He has traveled and lived in Asia, studying meditation, martial arts, yoga, and Chi Gong in Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and India. Here he also witnessed Traditional Chinese medicine in public health settings, where it was being used to address the needs of large populations of people. He is a Professor in the adjunct faculty of ACCHS in Oakland. He is also certified by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) as an Acudetox Specialist, and has been an intern at the clinic of renowned fertility specialist, Dr. Lifang Liang. He has completed advanced trainings in Master Tung’s traditional family acupuncture, and has advanced training in orthopedic acupuncture. Joe brings his knowledge of the context, breadth, and philosophy of Eastern cultures to his practice of medicine. Health cultivation is not a “fix” that a doctor or acupuncturist gives you, but is a process that the practitioner and patient engage in together. Movement, lifestyle, diet, and meditation, as well as acupuncture and herbs, are all life-giving parts of this journey. He lives with his family in north Oakland, and is delighted to be able to offer his community the many approaches to wellness of Chinese medicine.

Dr. Joe Davis is a California State Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) and Doctor of Acupuncture and ... Read More

Dr. Jorge Nunez graduated as a veterinarian from the National University of Mexico City in 1989 and worked for the mounted police in Mexico City for five years. While working in a refugee camp in Guatemala, he experienced the power and simplicity of acupuncture, which was being used as community healthcare in that remote environment. This is where the idea of making Chinese medicine accessible for underserved communities first took seed. He moved to the US and pursued a Masters of Science in Chinese Medicine at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences (ACCHS), where he is currently a Clinical Supervisor. Dr. Nunez has maintained a practice for many years in Oakland, treating both humans and animals. He lives in the East Bay with his two children, who keep him on his toes, and is addicted to salsa dancing and chi gong.

Dr. Jorge Nunez graduated as a veterinarian from the National University of Mexico City in 1989 a... Read More

Michelle Hirsch is a California State Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) and Chinese Herbalist. Prior to her studies of Chinese medicine, she spent 13 years devoted to organic farming and sustainable, community agriculture. She graduated from the University of Michigan in 1997 with a major in Women’s Health, where she began to understand that a balanced, nutrient rich diet was the foundation to a healthy body. She has farmed organic vegetables, flowers and herbs in Michigan, New Zealand, New Hampshire, and Northern California. She received a Masters of Science in Chinese Medicine in 2009 at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences (ACCHS), where she is a current faculty member. Since then she has been devoted to deepening her study of Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture, with special interest in women’s fertility and digestive issues. Her patients are likely to receive dietary advice along with an acupuncture treatment. She is a mother of two, and an enthusiastic cyclist.

Michelle Hirsch is a California State Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) and Chinese Herbalist. Prio... Read More

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